
Friday 16 August 2013

Painting, experimenting with patterns, and FITW ....

I know I keep repeating myself, but where does the time go ... !?

We had a public holiday here in Queensland on Monday, and it feels as if the rest of the week just didn't happen. It went by in a flurry.

I managed to paint a little bit, although not that much has changed since last week.

This is where I stopped last week:

And this is where I am now:

Monday is my birthday and as a birthday present I'm giving myself the whole day to paint ☺. Without guilt about all the other stuff I need to do ... ☺

And meanwhile, I also started participating in the Face in the World-challenge (FITW). This is another challenge by  Ayala Art, the same Ayala Art as from the 29-faces-challenges. She always has really good ideas for challenges.

So basically this is how it goes: there's 3 of us in our group, and each of us starts a face, sends it to the next person, who adds whatever she wants to the face, and in turn sends it to the third person who finishes it. So after 2 stops you get your started face back, completely finished. Really interesting idea.

This is Sandra's face:

I must admit it was a bit scary working on someone eles's face. What if I messed it up? It was also drawn on really slick cardstock, which I'm not at all used to when painting. And which part should I do? In the end I decided to paint the background and the lips, and do something with the hair ....

Not sure how I feel about it ... We'll see what Shelle does with it .....

And I also started my own face on a loose canvas sheet:

Just painted the eyes. Now it's up to Shelle and Sandra to do something with it. Very exciting!

And lastly, I've been playing with my doodles in Photoshop, trying to make patterns. And I might have a new addiction on my hands .... It's unpredictable how it's gonna turn out, which makes it very exciting and a lot of fun.

Here's (only a small) selection of what I made:

Well, that's it for now. Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday, the very popular paint party with more than 100 participants each week. Go take a look!

Thanks so much for being here and for your wonderful comments. I love hearing what you think!

Hope you're having a lovely Friday! Enjoy the weekend! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Great patterns! Looks like fun....Also really love those solid colored faces on the rocks a bit ago... The patterned hair is beautiful in them!

  2. Love how you paint eyes so that was a perfect start to a face!! Your patterns are amazing too!

  3. Denise this is all so fabulous... I love the eye pattern...they're all gorgeous....your painting is coming the hair and eyes you shared...productive week even though it flew by...and yes time is speeding up...

    Hugs Giggles

  4. Love the sound of the challenge Denise... how wonderful it will be to see them finished and the transformation that has taken place... happy happy birthday for Monday.... hope you have a wonderful... paint filled creative day... and loving your doodles... and your WIP...

    Happy PPF...
    Jenny ♥

  5. happy birthday for monday!!!!!!!!!!! hope you have a marvelous painting day and get huge amounts done... it is certainly perfect painting weather isn't it...xx

  6. I continue to be mesmerized by the spirits that emerge from your painted pages!!
    Sending you the happiest of birthday wishes!
    How fun and intimidating to add to someone else's art! Your additions are terrific!
    And your repeats are fun too!! HPPF!

  7. Love your doodles, especially the eye ones. Hope you enjoy your birthday painting way, a great way to celebrate! Valerie

  8. love the vibrant colours and those eyes are mesmerising..happy birthday painting

  9. Hoe prachtig zijn die doodles geworden. Heel erg apart en ik ben benieuwd wat je daar nog allemaal mee gaat doen. Heel veel plezier maandag met schilderen. Als je echt een hele dag kunt schilderen zal het wel een heel stuk opgeschoten zijn.

  10. Lots of lovely work Denise. Your big painting is looking great. I love the shapes and colours and all the faces make it really interesting to look at.
    I love what you have added to my start for FITW 2! That lovely green background, curly hair and luscious lips looks fab, its such a fun challenge, I am so glad you decided to join in:)
    The photo shop patterns are amazing, they remind me of the 'magic eye' pictures:) HPPF

  11. Beautiful creativity Denthe, Happy birthday!!!! Wishing you gorgeous and creative day, with lots of love around you

  12. Happy birthday Denthe. What a wonderful gift you are giving yourself. Nothing better than time to paint. All of your work is wonderful. Your doodle with the eyes and the word smile captured my attention. I love meeting a person with happy smiling eyes.

  13. Ha Dente ik blijf me verwonderen en bewonder je kunst.
    Ik wens je maandag een fijne verjaardag met veel kunst gevoel
    en wie weet wat daar weer uit voor komt.
    Een verjaardags knuffel.

  14. You amaze me! I never know what wonder I will find on your site...such talent! Have a marvelous birthday and I will be waiting to see your results. Happy PPF

  15. Happy birthday bit early! If this is from not having much time- can't imagine what a full day of guilt free creating will bring!

  16. When I was a regular quilter our groups would all try to invent patchwork patterns in this way, and having drawing/painting programs on my computer this was much easier for me. I still love playing like this, but you designs are super detailed and lovely, very effective.
    Sounds like an interesting collaboration on the faces. It will be interesting to see them develop. What a good idea to start yours with just the eyes.

  17. Denthe, that project sounds like fun! It's always great to see all you've been doing, have a wonderful day on Monday, a whole day painting, oh that will be great, have lots of fun and best wishes to you! xx

  18. Wonderful project. I can see where it would be very scary to paint on someone else's drawing! I love what you did to the background, hair and lips. Your own start is beyond gorgeous. The eyes are so real. I had to check really close up to see if it was a photograph. And I enjoyed your playful pentangles. Thanks for visiting, Denthe.

  19. What a wonderful Post, dear Denise!
    Yes, here is time also flying like a bird. Love your WIP and looking forward to see it ready. Have a sweet weekend and a beautyful birthday, next week.

  20. Happy Happy Birthday! Wishing you a year of creativity and magic!

  21. What a great project and yes Martha always has great things happening on her blog. 29 Faces is soon to come, I think in September. Love what you did with your part and the new face to go out. Nice work. Love the eyes. Hope you have a wonderful paint day Birthday. Happy Birthday, enjoy.

  22. those patterns are very intriguing! What fun. And I love the idea of collaborative faces. My kids and I used to do a variation of this in restaurants that had paper placemats. It made for very interesting characters! Happy PPF!

  23. and happy birthday! I love all of the people appearing in your painting. I hope they all celebrate with you. xo

  24. Your canvas is looking beautiful, very luminous and soulful! The swap seems really fun, love what you did with the hair and lips! <3

  25. I always love seeing the progression of your paintings-stunning work Denise! And those black and white patterns-WOW-gorgeous!!! I LOVE the eyes one especially. Your art swap looks like fun too. Happy birthday to you and may your wishes come true!!XO

  26. You doodle patterns are amazing. I love what you have done so far with the first round-about-face. That IS a tough assignment, to paint on someone elses art-start. I wonder how I would feel about someone painting over, altering my art?! I tend to be territorial by nature! Have a wonderful birthday and year of art. Thank you for your comments on my art.

  27. Schitterende creaties heb je weer gemaakt, mooi die patronen en dat schilderij ziet er ook al prachtig uit! En leuk die nieuwe gezichten uitdaging! Fijn weekend! groetjes Karin

  28. Love the paintings and the patterns! Really cool art. Happy PPF!

  29. Happy upcoming birthday, enjoy your day. Love all those patterns you made in photoshop, they came out amazing....face swap, I would be terrified but I like your just eyes and nose xox

  30. Happy Birthday Denise and have a wonderful day painting. Your painting is coming on wonderfully, and what you did with Sandra's piece is wonderful.

  31. Beautiful work you have here and I love your very cool patterns you have created, Love them! Have a wonderful day on Monday celebrating your birthday!!


  32. Happy birthday! My bday is next wed. Your work is really beautiful this week. I love the pretty colors and cool patterns. Enjoy your fun day of painting!

  33. I love seeing how the painting is developing. All those patterns are great. Enjoy that perfect birthday gift. Happy Birthday1

  34. This is SO cool!! I love the 2 starting pieces for the FITW, and what you did to Sandra's! I can't wait to see what happens to yours :oD
    hApPy biRThAy!!! ♥!

  35. Happy Birthday and Happy PPF!
    It is my birthday, too, on monday :-D I think I am a little bit older ;-)

    Your first painting is better now, because the faces in backround are softer and that person on the right have got something interesting.
    All paintings are so wonderful. I hope You can paint every day :-)

  36. Happy Birthday. I really like what you did with the challenge face - love the color and design. That is a really interesting challenge - kind of expands your horizons by working on art that someone else starts and having someone else work on yours.

  37. Happy Birthday fellow Leo (14 for me)! I would suspect you were a Lion from your art!!!! These pieces are unreal in the most wonderful sense. Ayala sure gave a good challenge. Those faces....WOWOWOWOW! And your first piece - how mysterious, magical, passionate, colorful beyond. You've hit the jackpot Denthe!~ again!!! xox

  38. I am a Leo too, happy birthday!
    your art is amazing and so intricate, love the colors too!!

  39. the rotating face project is so cool! and the patterns -- they are really addicting aren't they?! xo

  40. There are so many Leo's here this week! You may not have made much progress on your painting but you have created some amazing art this week! Love the doodles! x

    1. p.s happy birthday tomorrow - I hope you have an awesome day x

  41. I love the way those portraits with Ayala art develop. It's fascinating to see what emerges after the 3 artists add their contributions to it. Blessings!

  42. fun with photoshop! Nice painting as it evolves and Happy Birthday when it comes! That is a fun challenge by Ayala!

  43. Happy birthday and a wonderful, creative new year of your life.
    Your creations are always a feast for my eyes and a great inspiration!
    Hugs Anja

  44. hello
    your painting is awesome, i love this style you do!
    and the face that three people create, how fun. i like what you did with her.

    photoshop fun, wild and wonderful.

    Happy Birthday dear Denthe!
    I wish you a beautiful day of art making.
    a wonderful beginning to your year.
    may your wishes overflow through out your new year.

  45. I would just like to say that YOU ARE AN AMAZING ARTIST!!!

  46. Happy Birthday Denthe. Hope you are having a great creative time on your special day. Your work is beautifully evolving. Love the new challenge for which you are participating. You have done a great work on her hair and has given quite a bit of a challenge for them with those lovely eyes.

  47. ooh I love your post, so much to see! happy birthday! I hope it was a good one:) I love the patterns! and what a great idea with the Face in the World challenge! I'm glad I stopped by! thanks for your visit and for your kind comment:) Fran T/We Three xo

  48. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Denthe!!
    What a pleasure it was to visit your blog again. YOU have been up to a LOT!
    So nice to see all this varied artwork. Beautiful Denthe... xox

  49. wow so much creativity here, I love the face challenge, it looks so fun. And I love all the bold colors in your art. I hope you had a wonderful art filled birthday!

  50. Happy Birthday! Hope you took that whole day to paint, it sounds heavenly. I love love love the hair and your painting is just gorgeous! Those patterns would make really neat fabric!

  51. Wow YOU ROCK!! I'm in catchup mode BIG TIME! I am in awe of all your art here & LOVED being in a team with you (I was scared I'd stuff up or lose artwork - uggh) I have to work again today (but all I want to do is art) but wanted to call on by before I started so now I'm all inspired by your collection of beautiful art here... thank you :)


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