
Monday 20 May 2013

trying out collage ....

Ever since I saw Teesha Moore's video's, I've been fascinated by collage. I spent days looking through magazines, cutting out pictures, trying out heads on different bodies and plastering it all in my journal.

But somehow, I never got the hang of it. All my trials looked like very bad imitations of Teesha Moore. I felt like it wasn't me, no matter how much I liked the fierce colours and the strange creatures. I didn't know how far I could go with magazine pictures. When was I infringing copyright? What if I happened to make something that I really liked and wanted to make prints of it, would I be in trouble? Probably way too much overthinking, but, well, the end result was that I just put all my clippings and cutouts in a box and forgot about it.

Except it kept popping up in my head every now and then. So a few days ago, I decided to start printing out my own artwork and cutting out heads and bodyparts. No worries about copyright, and it was fun using my art in different ways and making new things out of it.

Here's my first tryout:

Still have a lot to learn, but I'm enjoying it and just need to spend some more time with it. This was again done in between cooking dinner and driving the kids to swimming- and danceclasses ..... Aaaah, time ..... Give.Me.Time ..... Reading your comments on my post last week I was amazed that so many of us are struggling with time issues. I'm happy I'm not the only one, I was starting to doubt my ability to handle everyday life ... ;-)

While waiting for my daughter to finish dance-class I finished another doodle. Yes, I am now grabbing every little bit of time I can get to do some art :-)

That's it for now, high time I went to bed.

Thanks so much for visiting, I'll be back on Wednesday with my 4th Etsy-promotion. Does this mean that May is almost over? Aaarrggghhh ........

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. how fun that you are using your own art for collage, i like that, it is wonderful.

    the doodle is awesome, i love the styles of faces in it.

  2. Dat is knap gedaan!! En je hebt groot gelijk om je eigen kunst ervoor te gebruiken. Ik vind het ook altijd moeilijk of je nu iets mag gebruiken en in welke vorm; dus dit is niet alleen safe, maar ook prachtig!! En je kunt het zonder meer te koop zetten. Ook je doodles zijn weer fantastisch.
    xxx Marianne

  3. Schitterend die doodle tekening en je artjournal is ook erg mooi, en prachtig zo met al je mooie zelfgemaakte dingen! Groetjes Karin

  4. Your work is so beautiful!!!!!! Inspiring!!!!!

  5. damn! you're good - seems that everything you try/do turns into a fantastic piece of artwork - loooove your collage!

  6. Love the collage!!! And you already know how much I love your doodles ♥♥♥♥♥ Never ever thought of using my own art in collage...must consider this ...if that time issue is ever resolved :)

  7. Wonderful! I really admire people that do collages as it's not my thing and I hate the glue. :)

  8. I would say, you pulled it off!! It looks like your own work, and not a copy of Teesha's. :)

  9. Great idea using your own work to collage with - Gorgeous!
    Love your doodles!!

  10. Amazing collage work! Lovely!!!

  11. Love yuor own collage!!!Its very,very beautiful,and the woman creature is so amazing,is so inspiriering of me.
    and the doodle one is to amazing,love all the pattern diffrent faces of it,love it.
    Greetings Jeannette


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