
Friday, 1 June 2012

All my faces together !

I first want to thank the beautiful people that wish me well and tell me to go for it! It means so much to me having people who believe in me. I must admit that last night it made me a bit nervous that I had actually written down what I want to do for everyone to see. It's so much easier to keep it for yourself. Because then, if you fail, no one knows. But it's also much easier then to give up on it. Now I have made a commitment to try my best and go for it, and it makes it so much more real. I really HAVE to do it now. It makes me nervous and jittery and excited all at the same time.

I also made a commitment to myself about this blog. I am going to post at least three times a week, and every week I will be sharing with you an artist that I admire or who inspires me. There are so many wonderful artists out there, and sometimes I get so enthusiastic about someone that I want to share it. But alas, my family is not really in to art. So I'll share it with you.

Here's a compilation of all the faces I did last month:

And here are the faces I did in the February challenge:

Actually, I'm impressed! It's amazing how much work you get done when you set your mind to it.

That's it for today. I'm off now to explore Leonie's Goddess Circle ...

Hope you all have a wonderful, restful weekend!


  1. Aaahhh! I think I've just fell in love with your beautiful way to draw and paint! ;) You inspire me for sure, and I love your colorful backgrounds! :) I'm doing a colorful background right now..

    And so fun you will link to people that inspire you, I'm looking forward.. :)

    Lovely day! :)

  2. It's great to see all the faces together like this. I'am not good enough with the computer to be able to do it but I have put mine on Flicr.
    It is a bit scary to share your hopes and dreams online for the public to see but most people who read your blog will be like minded and supportive.
    I hope your course goes well and you tell us about it. I will look forward to your posts and artist reviews.

  3. They look fantabulous! Congratulations.

  4. Sensational Denthe... so LOVE seeing all your beautiful faces together and to see the wonderful progression from February to now... and yes, when you set your mind to it.. amazing things happen... smiled about sharing here because your family aren't really into art... hello... same here... it really is an awesome place to share... I am tremendously excited and happy for you... and good on you for putting your dreams out there... inspiration plus...

    Jenny x

  5. It is wonderful to see them all together like that....
    Thanks for participating in the challenge!

  6. They look beautiful all together. Can I ask what program you used for creating the collage? I looked at a couple of online options, but they seemed to be more of a pain than they were worth.

  7. that is so awesome all your beauty paintings at once! They fits so well together and I love them all but my favorite is the second one with the red hair!!

  8. Saw you at the Goddess Circle and had a your art:) Look forward to seeing more!

  9. It is so great to see all the faces together. :) Gorgeous portraits!

  10. I look forward to reading all about the different artists that inspire you. I know what you mean about your family not sharing your interest in art. I can take my husband to an art show once a year, any more than that and his eyes glaze over. ha-ha

    I'd seen all of your very lovely May faces but it was a treat seeing them all together. Then the bonus...the February faces. WOW gorgeous. Thanks for including them.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !