
Thursday, 22 March 2012

Painting again!

Well, yesterday I managed to paint for about 3 hours in a row! Today it's raining very hard, so I just might put on my painting clothes and start painting again. I just feel like it and honestly, is there a better thing to do on rainy days like these? Okay, I can think of a million things I NEED to do, but do I WANT to do them? Noooo!

I'll give myself a break and just paint ;-)

This is painting one from Flora's workshop. It has been sitting on the easel since a few weeks. I was a bit lost as to what to do with it. I think Mickey Mouse just spoiled it for me ... (can you see him about halfway on the left side?)

But last week I started looking for images again and spotted some straight away, like the figure laying down in the middle. I drew a big bird, not because it saw it in there, but because I just wanted a big bird on there.

And then I heard the news about the busaccident in Switserland, where 28 Belgians, including 22 children, died after a skiing holiday with school. This affected me greatly. Maybe because my son is the same age as  those children killed, maybe because the parents had to wait so long before knowing whether their child was dead or alive, maybe because the whole country was in shock. I don't know, but suddenly I didn't see Mickey Mouse anymore, but a person in despair. And other figures, in disbelief and shock.

I don't really want to paint a sad painting, but I just saw these figures popping out and I decided to go with it. We'll see where it ends. Here's how far I've gotten yesterday. Still have a lot of work to do, but I'm feeling okay about it now.

Now I'm off to paint!

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