Wednesday 18 April 2012

Should I or should I not?

Ayala Art is doing a new 29 faces challenge. And I am in serious doubt whether or not I should join in.

I must admit I don't get much work done lately. So maybe I need a challenge like that to get me started again. On the other hand, I really want to paint. Big paintings that take time to develop into something remotely looking like a face. So posting every day is gonna be hard. And then there's the 21 secrets workshop, that I still have to explore.

What to do? One possiblity is making my faces on small canvases, so that at least I'm building a stock to sell on markets. I can also use my faces to make postcards.

I'll  have to think about it for a while. It won't start until May 1st, so I still have some time.
Meanwhile: here's a drawing that I did in watercolor, not finished at all, but I'll post it anyway. It is a work in progress (trying out some new things...):

graphite and watercolor

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